A Cappella Héros Album - CD + 4 download cards

A Cappella Héros Album - CD + 4 download cards
QW4RTZ's new album with download cards - Released November 18, 2022
This item includes:
the physical CD (cover of your choice)
4 printed 5 X 5 cards (CD format) with the 4 covers, with valid download codes for the digital album
This album includes 7 tracks, 4 of which are original songs exploring different musical universes: metal, country, synth-wave and world music. Three covers of well known French songs complete the track list. All this, a cappella, of course!
Because QW4RTZ never does things by halves, the album is available in 4 different cover styles (the audio content remains the same). Choose your favorite cover or order them all!
List of titles :
Tourne la page
Ma belle selle brune
Faire semblant / Bateaux-mouches
On est fâchés (on est pas contents)
Aguaō Memøriå
Tous les cris, les S.O.S.
5% of the revenues from the sale of the boutique will go to the SOPAR-Bala Vikasa organization to support communities in India.